Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Facebook Offers Are A Viral Hit: Friend-To-Friend Sharing Drives 3/4s Of Popular Coupon Redemptions

Facebook-ads-megaphoneDavid Fischer, Facebook's vice president of marketing and business relationships, just offered a new statistic on the Facebook Offers program: He said that among the 100 most popular offers on the social network, three-fourths of the claims came not from the people who had been initially targeted with an offer, but instead from someone they had shared it with. In other words, Offers seems to be a genuinely social product, with redemptions driven by sharing ? as opposed to just another deal that happens to be delivered on Facebook. It helps Facebook argue that?Offers ad campaigns will get free viral exposure to a much broader audience than the initial target they paid for because they'll spread by word-of-mouth. It also provides another reason why running ad campaigns to build a Facebook fan base is a good investment, because businesses can share Offers with their fans, and then those offers will spread among the fans' friends.


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