Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving as a Wellness Practice | Care2 Healthy Living

Celebrations of a day of thanks are common around the world. Whether these observances mark an annual harvest, peace or something else, their underlying theme is appreciation and gratitude, sentiments that seem to be innate in human beings. And for good reason.

Research at the Institute of HeartMath (IHM) has found that sincere appreciation and gratitude, expressed naturally or intentionally, can have a transformative effect on both giver and receiver. Activating a positive feeling like appreciation is a very potent tonic for the body ? it literally shifts your physiology, synchronizing your heart and brain rhythms, and creating a body-wide shift to a scientifically measurable state called coherence. In this optimal state, the body?s systems function more efficiently, generating a greater balance of emotions and increased mental clarity and brain function. Gratitude creates a healthier, happier and more fulfilling state of being.

When you?re the receiver of gratitude, your heart rhythm patterns show up in the brain waves in others around you ? we literally pick up on each others? vibes. Each heartbeat is putting out an electromagnetic wave that is 60 times stronger than a brain wave. HeartMath studies show this powerful electromagnetic field (EMF) can be detected and measured several feet away from a person?s body and between two individuals in close proximity. Think of the heart as a radio transmitter and its rhythm pattern the frequency signal: Others pick up thoughts and feelings that you?re broadcasting. The more we?re tuned to somebody, the easier it is to pick up on each other?s signals, unconsciously. When we?re feeling gratitude or appreciation, it can have an uplifting effect on others. When you feel it, they feel it. This resonance enhances the immune and endocrine systems and effects biochemistry, mind and spirit. It?s not mystical, it?s science.

When you?re the giver and your recipient offers a sincere thank you, you can feel the uplift that is the rush of positive hormones that release as a result. Your heart rhythm has shifted too and then your perspective widens as issues that were bothering you fade to the background.

Read more: Biorhythms, Family, General Health, Global Healing, Home, Inspiration, Life, Mental Wellness, Nourishing the Heart, Peace, Spirit, Spirituality and Technology, Thanksgiving, The Celebrate Your Life Series, Gratitude, health benefits of gratitude, heart coherence, HeartMath, Institute of HeartMath, living from the heart, Quick Coherence, stress, Thanksgiving

By Sara Childre and Deborah Rozman

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